Feb 20, 2023City, England, Germany0 comments

Every once in a while when travelling you’ll see something that makes you go just Wow, what is that? Here is my list of weird, cool, or strange things I encountered in 2022:

Strangest bathroom

I have stayed at probably hundreds of hotels over the years but 2022 I saw the strangest bathroom so far. Picture an old-fashioned „plastic“ bathroom like you might expect on a cheap cruise but the tiniest one you can imagine (i.e. you actually can’t properly close the door if sitting on the toilet). Then plunk this down in an old castle and it is a true surprise!

Don’t get me wrong – it it was probably the most practical (and affordable) way to update an old building so every room has its own bathroom without major construction work. And it did not stop me from choosing this hotel as one of my top 4 hotels in 2022 but it wasn’t because of the bathroom (I did not properly understand the Tripadvisor complaints about a small bathroom)!

Funniest sign

Not sure if it is just me, but I love finding weird signs/signs with funny puns etc. and generally take a picture of them. I saw quite a number in England but none the first couple of days in Switzerland. So, not lying here, I was on a ferry and thought to myself, „Too bad, no funny signs here. Maybe that is more of an English thing“. Then I went to the bathroom:

Spookiest hallway

Maybe it is just me but when I stepped out of the elevator at the Gr8 Hotel Maastricht-Aachen Airport, I almost stepped right back in. It truly made me feel like I was in a psychedelic dream (aside of this the hotel was fine):

Coolest ambulance

I saw this ambulance in London – what a neat idea!


Most surprising Royal monument

Apparently, the architect was a friend of Prince Charles and when building this row of houses in Richmond wanted to pay special homage to the king. Can you spot it?

Did you spot it? If not, here is a close up:

Most misleading train station

When I saw that my train was going to arrive at platform 24 at the train station Lindau-Reutin in Germany I was a bit worried that I would miss my connection as it was clearly a huge train station. And I was surprised as is not a very large city and even large cities like Munich have generally only around 20 tracks.

Well, I did miss my connection because the train was late (again) but it wasn’t because there were so many tracks:

And yes – what you see is all there is. Apparently, someone thought it a good idea to number their three tracks 21, 22, and (wait for it) 24?


And that wraps up the strangest things I saw travelling this year! How about you – did you spot something that made you doubt your eyes?

Hi, I am Kitty and I love to travel! Welcome to my blog, where I share all I have learned on my trips - good and bad - to help you have a better, cheaper, and more perfect vacation!


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