

The country of love, fashion, and cheese is a popular tourist destination – and rightly so!

Tower with Le Havre Porte de'l Europe written on it
Le Havre
Narrow alley in Nice

Top Reasons to visit France

Paris – You know why!
Glamour – Nothing beats the Cote d’Azur
Food – No surprise there

Favorite foods to try

#1 – French Bread
#2 – Cheese!
#3 – Boeuf Bourguignon

Best Time for a visit

Southern France is best visited in spring or early fall but the Northern part of the country is perfect in the summer. And of course Paris makes for a great destination all year long!

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
At a glance

My experience in France

Surprisingly enough, even though I live fairly close to France, I still haven’t made it to Paris! But I have visited other regions of the country and hope to finally make it to the City of Love in the near future.

Until then, you can find posts on those parts of France here that I have been lucky enough to visit. Learn more about the sun-soaked Cote d’Azur, famous playground of millionaires and celebrities, and find out what to do on cruise stops in France.

  • Transportation Tip – public transport is easy to use, inexpensive, and reliable. But make sure not to accidentally get on without a ticket – the French train authorities are merciless!


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